The Nina Variations
In Steven Dietz’s clever, fierce and heartbreaking tribute to The Seagull, Chekhov’s star-crossed lovers meet over and over again. In forty-three variations on their famous final scene, the young actress Nina and the young writer Treplev pit their vibrant wit and uprising passions against one another in a fast-paced tour de force of romantic entanglement. In scene after scene, they try to say all the things that were never said, but may have been thought, in Chekhov’s original. And by finally speaking their minds, they allow for the possibility that they might find to each other in the end.
Rebecca Brooksher
Nick Newell
Written by Steven Dietz
Directed by Byam Stevens
Scenic Design by Steven Mitchell
Lighting Design by Lara Dubin
Costume Design by Branimira Ivanova
Sound Design by Bart Fasbender