
Following the events of O’Neill’s classic Long Day’s Journey into Night, Moon for the Misbegotten brings James “Jamie” Tyrone, Jr. to the home of his tenant farmer, Mike Hogan, a salty Irish geezer. There he encounters, after years, Hogan’s voluptuous, Amazon-like daughter, Josie. During one moonlit night, as the lovestruck Josie seems to claim him as her own, the truculent, drunken Jamie drowns in a wave of self-pity and remorse. When dawn comes, the moon is gone and so is the man, leaving Josie with a new challenge to her dauntless spirit.


David Birney

Vincent Dowling

Jennifer Rohn

Robert Lehan

Thomas Dahl


Written by Eugene O’Neill

Directed by James O’Hanlon

Scenic Design by Vicki R. Davis

Lighting Design by Grant R. Wallace

Costume Design by Caroline Meyer Young

Sound Design by Michael Meneguzzo