Chester Theatre Company
Awarded $44K Cultural Facilities Fund Grant
to Renovate its Offices and Education Facility
Funds to be Matched 1:1 via an Upcoming Capital Campaign
Chester, MA (May 15, 2018) – The board of MassDevelopment, the Mass Cultural Council’s partner in the administration of the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund (CFF), has awarded Chester Theatre Company (CTC) one of 63 capital grants given statewide by the CFF, a state program that fosters the growth of the creative economy by supporting building projects in the nonprofit arts, humanities, and sciences. In a press release issued by the Mass Cultural Council, MassDevelopment President and CEO Lauren Liss stated, “The Cultural Facilities Fund supports crucial capital projects at institutions that serve as the backbone of the Massachusetts creative economy.”
“We are thrilled that the CFF has awarded us the ability to upgrade Chester Theatre’s office and housing facility,” said Wendy Davis, CTC’s Board President. “We are a teaching theatre, and the renovation will give our interns a comfortable place to stay, learn, and share ideas. The Board’s great appreciation also goes to our dedicated staff for helping to make this happen!” CTC Producing Artistic Director Daniel Elihu Kramer added, “This much-needed renovation will allow us to use the house year-round, and allows us to launch a residential play development program. Not only will it improve the facility for our staff and interns, but it will give us the means to develop new work and expand our programming. We couldn’t be more thrilled.
CFF grants must be matched 1:1 by the recipient, and Chester Theatre Company will soon be launching a capital campaign to secure the funds to complete the project. The $44,000 grant and the match will be used to renovate the company’s facility at
4 Main Street in Chester, which serves as both offices and summer intern housing. Included in the repairs will be complete winterization of the building, making the residences available for year-round use and creating opportunities for year-round educational and artistic development programming.
Chester Theatre Company joins an impressive list of recipients, including Boston Symphony Orchestra, Huntington Theatre Company, New England Aquarium, Gloucester Stage Company, as well as several of its neighbors in Western Massachusetts, including Jacob’s Pillow, Shakespeare and Company, and Northampton Community Arts Trust.
In addition, CTC was awarded a $7,000 Systems Replacement Plan Grant.
“From the Berkshires to Cape Cod, Massachusetts is home to a deep cultural history that continues to grow and thrive,” said Governor Charlie Baker. “Our administration looks forward to continuing our work to support public-private partnerships like these that will help drive tourism and benefit residents and visitors for years to come.”